반응형 전체 글17 Strategic Fit and Supply Chain DriversImportance of transportation and Information Strategic Fit and Supply Chain Drivers Importance of transportation and Information Hua, Li Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Student LGMT683 Supply Chain Management Padoro, Piyabalo, Ph. D. May 29, 2022 All business models’ final goals are focusing on reducing the cost of an order, and maximizing the company’s profit. There is no exception to a franchise restaurants’ business model. For more.. 2022. 11. 2. 1920 Jones Act and its current implicationsA critical review of international carrier limitations by Jones Act 1920 Jones Act and its current implications A critical review of international carrier limitations by Jones Act Hua, Li Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Student LGMT 636 Transportation Management William (Bill) Christensen, Ph. D. February 20, 2022 In the 1920s the Jones act which is often referred to as the Merchant Marine Act was passed. This sweeping legislation enforced three broad funct.. 2022. 11. 2. 3D Printing Impact on Air CargoA review of an International Air Cargo Association 3D printing threat assessment 3D Printing Impact on Air Cargo A review of an International Air Cargo Association 3D printing threat assessment Hua, Li Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Student LGMT 636 Transportation Management William (Bill) Christensen, Ph. D. February 13, 2022 For any industry to survive, it must be aware that the innovation never stops. The strengths that allowed one industry to gain market dominance .. 2022. 11. 2. US Canada Rail Wheat Export Rents: A review of US-Canada wheat export rent comparison Policy Paper. US Canada Rail Wheat Export Rents: A review of US-Canada wheat export rent comparison Policy Paper. Hua, Li Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Student LGMT 636 Transportation Management William (Bill) Christensen, Ph. D. February 06, 2022 The Journal Article “Congestion and Distribution of Rents in Wheat Export Sector: A Canada-US Cross-Border Comparison” compares the locational rent or “profi.. 2022. 11. 2. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음 반응형